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Welcome To Westfield Academy

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Westfield Academy. We are an over-subscribed, high-performing, non-selective 11-18 Academy. We have been a consistently "Good" OFSTED school since 2012, with our most recent inspection being November 2024.

"At this Inclusive school, pupils get off to a great start. This is because staff help pupils  to "believe, strive and achieve." Staff believe in pupils' abilities and potential. Pupils get    plenty of help, support and encouragement with their studies."

"Pupils are respectful to each other and to staff."  OFSTED Nov 2024

Our fabulous staff and students make this a wonderful school to attend. 

Tim Body, Headteacher

Latest News

  • 24/07/12 07:48:5012th July 2024

    Year 9 Options Evening - 13th March - 5.30-6.30

  • 24/07/12 07:46:3612th July 2024

    GCE / GCSE Results Days

  • 24/06/28 08:41:5428th June 2024

    Secondary Transfer Day - Thursday, 11th July 2024

  • 24/06/05 10:45:545th June 2024

    Westfield News

  • 24/05/23 08:05:4623rd May 2024

    Half-Term Break (Mon, 27th - Fri, 31st May)

  • 24/04/25 09:19:1425th April 2024

    Westfield News - Edition #1

  • 24/03/05 13:00:005th March 2024

    Westfield News - February 2024

  • 24/02/01 09:05:101st February 2024

    Westfield News - January 2024

  • 24/02/01 08:37:461st February 2024

    Matilda Production

  • Yesterday, Mrs. Westlake’s Year 8 Geography class participated in a practical revision activity to showcase what they’ve learned during their Coasts unit. Students were challenged to create coastal landforms using sand, playdough, and their desks, where they also drew their work

  • Special recognition of a star ⭐️ pupil - Dhruthi in Year 13.  She takes on board feedback, works independently and consistently to achieve her goals. Furthermore, her proactive mindset has allowed her to edge a step closer to securing a degree apprenticeship

  • Thursday gave targeted sixth form students an opportunity to have a go at searching and applying for apprenticeships and familiarising themselves with mock assessments centre questions and scenarios across two workshops. All students participated and received feedback

  • Really good fun rewards afternoon for our wonderfully hardworking Yr11s. We’ve had lots of compliments from our amazing team of exam invigilators about how seriously they’ve taken their tiered exams so an afternoon off for some rest and games was the least we could do t

  • Assemblies this week have focused on celebrating the success of our pupils. Today was the turn of Year 10s- well done to everyone!

  • On Wednesday 12th February, Year 13 Sociology students travelled to London to tour the Royal Courts of Justice and then visit the Old Bailey. During the tour, they learnt about some of the history and customs of the criminal justice system

  • We have recently added some year 10s to the basketball academy as apprentices and they have attended our gym sessions- check out the photos to see what they have been up to!

  • Following on from last year's successful event, we would like to invite our pupils to take part in this year's Iftar Night. It will take place on 11th March at 5:30pm. Consent forms can be obtained from form tutors or Student Service. We look forward to celebrating with you all!

  • KS3 art club have created clay monsters using the pinch pot technique. We can’t wait to see them once they are complete!

  • Our Friendly February calendar is full of great ways to boost your relationships! Check it out and see what new ways you can increase your relationships throughout February

  • The school council has been meeting with their Heads of Year this week to feedback on what we can do to improve their experience at school. As usual the meetings have been very insightful. They have also been given new badges so that all pupils can identify them.  #school #council #meeting #improvements

  • Year 10 art students have been working hard, experimenting with a range of materials. They have used pencil, collage and embroidery techniques to create work linking to the artist Kate Talbot.  Keep up the great work Year 10!  Miss Cattini #art #GCSE #experiment #collage #pencil #embroidery

  • Happy Saturday everyone. We are so proud of our year 11s for showing up to science revision today. It's amazing to see the dedication of our young people in preparation for their next set of mocks and for the summer exams as well. A huge thank you to Ms Rafter and Mrs Porter for coming in on a rainy Saturday to deliver such brilliant sessions to our year 11s. We are so lucky to have such dedicated teachers at Westfield who go above and beyond to ensure our students can be as successful as possible. With only 8 days to go to the tier mocks, revision is key to success. Well done everyone. #weekend #revision #Y11

  • 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'- fantastic resource for parents/carers/guardians of secondary school aged pupils. Mental health is not something anybody should go through alone, so take time to read the resources for that extra bit of support! #mentalhealth #school #grow

  • Science's Eco Club is pleased to announce that we've been awarded the Silver Award  by @woodlandtrust   in recognition of our eco-friendly activities over the past two years . We're now officially a Green Tree School!   #Eco #environment #ecoclub #school #woodland #trust #green #recognition

  • Ms Stott's Year 9's completing their Silent Reading in Form time. Students are expected to read between 10-15 books a year. The book must be accompanied by a Book Review, which all pupils are encouraged to do. #reading #literacy #review #form

  • Here are some photos showcasing the fantastic work of our Year 10 GCSE Product Design students. They have combined melted HIPS plastic, plywood, electronics, and metal components to craft these incredible lamps. The results are truly amazing, and we're so proud of all their hard work and dedication! #design #DT #product #GCSE #creative

  • Are you wondering what to do with the kids at half term that won't cost a fortune? There are plenty of activities that you could do that will get them off their screens and out in the fresh air. They may be resistant at first (the fear of the unknown!) but spending quality time together and trying something new can be a huge positive for family life. Give it a go! #Bucketlist #halfterm #activities #free #environment

Upcoming Events

  • Westfield Academy
    Tolpits Lane
    WD18 6NS

  • 01923 231560