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Vision Statement

At Westfield Academy, our vision is to support all children to achieve the best possible educational and wider outcomes so that they reach their aspirations and make a successful transition into adulthood.

"Pupils with SEND are fully included in school life, and many progress well with their learning." OFSTED 2024

All staff at Westfield Academy are united in our belief that in order to achieve this, we must endeavour to remove any barriers to learning so that every child can access their learning and make progress.

We also value the importance of ensuring that all children with SEND develop as much independence as possible, in order to support their development, confidence, resilience and ability to self-scaffold.

This involves high-quality teaching and provision that is adapted and personalised, and will meet the needs of the individual. From early identification, children with SEND will receive high-quality teaching, support strategies, reasonable adjustments and interventions tailored to their individual needs, which will enable them to achieve their full potential. We have an expectation that all students access their lessons and this sometimes means making reasonable adjustments, to support students' needs. Westfield Academy, for the most part, does not withdraw students from their classes, instead ensuring that work within each class is accessible and achievable.

What is Westfield Academy's approach to teaching children and young people with SEN?

Teachers are reasonable and accountable for the progress and development of all the students in their class. The majority of students with SEND will have their needs met within the classroom through Quality First Teaching as specified by the SEND Code of Practice (2014). High-quality, adapted teaching is the first step in responding to students with SEND. All teaching staff work towards 'Quality First Teaching' which ensures that provision is made in each lesson for meeting the diverse needs of all learners. This includes appropriate seating plans within the classroom, specialist IT equipment for students with specific needs.

Additional support may be offered in lessons by a Learning Support Assistant. Relevant staff will be made aware of your child's identified needs.

Students with an EHCP (E) or at SEND support (K) stage are those who are receiving something additional to or different from that which is offered to the rest of the cohort. These students may receive:

Cognition & Learning Communication & Interaction Social, Emotional & Mental Health difficulties Sensory and / or Physical needs
1:1 or small group support sessions 1:1 or small group support sessions Individual behaviour plan In-class support
In-class support In-class support / SALT referral Re-focus card / CAMHs referral Support from an external agency
Paired reading / maths Support from an external agency In-class support Counselling / mentoring
Interventions such as Lexia / phonics Counselling / mentoring Support from an external agency ICT provisions
Counselling / mentoring Sixth Form support Counselling / draw & talk Exam access arrangements
Sixth Form support ICT provision Small group intervention Specialist equipment
ICT provisions Exam access arrangements Saracens mentoring Accessible toilets
Exam access arrangements Access to B011 at break & lunch Chessbrook Outreach

Medical support plan

Homework club Homework club Mental Health First Aider support Adapted resources
  Visual timetables Parent advice evenings Seating arrangements
  Sixth Form mentoring or learning support Access to the lifts
ICT provision  
Exam access arrangements
Access to B011 at break & lunch
Homework club

How does the Academy know if children / young people need extra help, and what should I do if I think my child may have Special Educational Needs?

The subject teachers in the Academy will identify if your child has Special Educational Needs (SEN). They will be the first people to address your child’s individual needs within the classroom setting. They will also use information provided from primary schools and results from prior testing. Information from parents regarding their child’s history is valuable evidence in supporting identification.

Your child is assessed regularly throughout the school year and the results from this help assess whether your child has SEN. If you think that your child has SEN, please contact the Academy directly.

How will Academy staff support my child?

The majority of your child’s learning needs will be supported or addressed by high-quality, differentiated teaching in the classroom.

Additional SEN support may be required where evidence points to the pupil needing support ‘additional to or different from their peers’.

For a few SEN pupils, highly differentiated and individualised interventions may be necessary.

How will I know how my child is doing?

If your child is identified as having SEN, you will be notified by the Academy and a graduated approach supporting your child will be put in place. Your views and the views of your child will be requested when considering appropriate interventions.

Information will be shared with you at review meetings in addition to normal reporting arrangements.

How will the learning and development provision be matched to my child’s needs?

All teaching staff work towards ‘Quality First Teaching’ which ensures that provision is made in each lesson for meeting the diverse needs of all learners. This may include appropriate seating plans within the classroom, specialist IT equipment for students with specific needs and, where identified, additional support may be offered in lessons. Relevant staff will be made aware of your child’s identified needs.

What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

Access to medical intervention is provided by the school matron; this is supported by staff who are trained in first aid. Opportunities for vaccinations, health checks and staff training where appropriate are also available.

Pastoral teams are also available to support the student’s social and emotional wellbeing and will liaise with parents / carers. Referral to outside agencies may also be appropriate. A Common Assessment Framework could be implemented if more than one agency is involved.

There is access to the Hertfordshire County Council School Nurse Service.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the Academy?

Specialist teacher for Access Arrangements, Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Team, Connexions, Low Incidence Team (sensory & physical impairment), Young Carers Development worker, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Communication Disorders Team, Targeted Youth Support Team, Counsellors. Occupational Therapy and Physical therapy teams, Education Support Team for Medical Absence (ESTMA) and other services as required and appropriate.

What training have the staff who are supporting children and young people with SEND, had or are having?

The Academy has an ongoing programme of Continuing Professional Development opportunities both in and out of the Academy for all staff.

In addition, your child’s teachers and support staff will have access to a designated Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo).

How will you help me to support my child’s learning?

We will communicate with you regarding your child’s progress on a regular basis. This may be through parent’s evenings, normal reporting procedures, contact with form tutors, subject teachers, pastoral leaders and / or the SENCo.

How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?

All the contacts mentioned in Section 8 will provide you with an opportunity to discuss plans for your child’s education.

In addition, the pupils receiving SEN Support will follow the graduated response as recommended by the SEN Code of Practice, 2014 and will include you in the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ formula.

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

All reasonable adjustments will be made in order that your child is given the opportunity to participate in activities outside the classroom, including school trips.

How accessible is the school environment?

Please refer to the Academy's Accessibility Policy found here.

Who can I contact for further information?

Your first point of contact at the Academy will be your child’s Form Tutor or Head of Year who may liaise with the SENCo.

How will the Academy prepare and support my child to join the Academy, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life?

The Academy will help prepare and support your child through their transition from primary school by liaising with their previous school and sharing information. We will further provide information to ongoing schools or colleges in line with statutory requirements from the SEN Code of Practice, 2014.

How are the Academy's resources allocated and matched to children’s Special Educational Needs?

The budget for SEN pupils is used to provide staffing and relevant resources for those pupils identified as requiring SEN Support.

How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive?

All teaching staff work towards ‘Quality First Teaching’ which ensures that provision is made in each lesson to meet the diverse needs of all learners.

The support that your child will receive will depend upon the type and degree of need which is ‘additional to and different from that of their peers’.

How can I find information about the local authority’s local offer of services and provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disability?

SENCo: Mrs K Symonds, Email:

DSPL (Delivery Special Provision Locally)

Newsletters can be found on the Parents / Carers & Families tab of the following website: (DSPLArea9).