About Us
Our ethos & values
Westfield Academy welcomes every student, setting no barriers to entry and making no presumptions about academic and social background. All Westfield asks of each student is good citizenship, a commitment to learning and a focus on self-improvement.
Westfield Academy believes every student joining the Academy has the ability to be successful in secondary education. We aim to empower students with the ability to study and learn independently, to develop their social skills and to enjoy new experiences. Westfield aims to instil in all our students a love of learning, to develop the skills, knowledge, resilience and qualifications to enable them to contribute to society through their abilities, conduct and self-reliance.
Westfield acknowledges that students are highly likely to engage in a variety of roles in their working lives. Students should leave the Academy feeling that they are able to determine their own life journey, are entitled to pursue their own ambitions and are confident of their ability to embrace change.
The Westfield student’s learning journey is encapsulated in the Academy’s motto: Believe | Strive | Achieve.
If you would like to visit or just get in touch, please do not hesitate to do so. You will get a warm welcome.
Mr Tim Body | Mr Vijay Assani |
Headteacher | Chair of Trustees |